Sunday, March 07, 2010

Delay Supports Delay

Former Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay spoke out recently to support the actions taken by Jim Bunning, who if you recall recently stalled the unanimous Senate vote to extend unemployment and health care benefits for a month.

In his remarks Delay explained to a shocked reporter that unemployed people are essentially lazy people who only bother to get off their ass and look for a job when their benefits are about to be cut off. He suggested that we all know someone who is sponging off the system in this manner, and that really Bunning was doing us all a favor by being such a tool.

I have to say, even after all these years I am still shocked by fuckers like these. It's hard to even imagine how a person can remain so out of touch with reality, and also simultaneously be unaware at just how offensive their comments are. It's almost like having a conversation with a KKK member, who just tells you 'how it is.'

What made me laugh about the interview was that he also took the time to rail against Obama for, "...spending monies that we don't have..." This one always just leaves me speechless. Because when it comes to one of the hallmarks of the Bush administration, it is the unbridled spending of money we don't have, while simultaneously cutting taxes to the richest Americans.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Bush administration is 90% to blame for our current economic crisis. So when we see an ardent Bush supporter like the ever sleazy Tom Delay, talking about the need for saving money, it sounds a little hollow. If only we'd had that kind of thinking during their rein of terror and stupidity. There would be a lot of employed Americans very thankful for it.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Good post, but I would change '90%' to '110%'.

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