Sunday, March 21, 2010

Time For Tea To Come Clean?

You know I've been watching these Tea Baggers for a while now, and isn't it about time to call them out for what they really are? They are the KKK. Same kind of bigots, different costume.

Ever since Obama got elected, they've demanded their country back. Back from what? Is there some kind of problem with democracy now? Are they mad because the Republicans couldn't rig the election like they did in 2000?

It really is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever seen. Stirred up by various idiotic pundits on Fox News, the terminally stupid take to the streets to protest taxes and spending. Ignoring the fact that their good friend W. got us into this mess by spending money we didn't have invading countries.

The vitriol that they spew about Obama is completely out of proportion to his foot print in the White House. It seems as if they are just itching to call him the N word, but know that this is pretty much unacceptable these days. So instead they show pictures of him looking like Hitler, and use words they don't understand like socialism and Marxism. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

So far he has managed to stave off a second great depression. He's trying to make some very minor changes to health care to cover more Americans, and these protesting morons act like he has ordered the internment of Jews.

Barack Obama is about as centrist as you could imagine in politics. Despite the GOP vowing to pretty much road block anything and everything they can, Obama still tries to reach out to them and gain a consensus. And yet the racists still keep yelling 'socialism' and making Hitler references.

I think it's time for these cretins to stop with the bullshit, and just admit once and for all that they are simply racist fuckers, and they can't stand a black man in the White House. Let's have them don their white sheets and get real about why they are really protesting.

Apparently we live in 'toubled' times.

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