Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shut Up Old Man

Like Sarah Palin, granpa McCain won't shut up this week either. Speaking about the Obama administration this week he said, "This staggering deficit threatens our children's and grandchildren's future and simply cannot be sustained." As a follow up he said, "I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to chart a different course toward real change and fiscal responsibility."

Now as someone who was living in America during the entire Bush administration, this is a real What The Fuck? moment for me.

As we learned during McCain's latest failed Presidential bid, this guy voted with George Bush well over 90% of the time, and helped guide us down the road to financial ruin. Rather than speaking out against Bush's moronic policies, he was repeatedly quoted as saying, "I support George Bush."

The thing that just amazes me about Republican politics is the boldness with which they fake outrage and make statements as if there were no such thing as recorded history.

Republicans have spent the first 50 or so days of the new Presidency wagging their fingers and telling us all what horrible mistakes Obama is making. Darth Cheney even did an interview this week in which he told us we were all less safe now (only a Sith deal in absolutes).

Make no mistake, the Republicans headed up by George Bush, took us down this catastrophic path of failure and destruction. Now they think they can stand on the sidelines and tell Democrats how to fix the mess?

Rather than being obstructive and talking about more tax cuts for the wealthy, how about you Republicans denounce the failures of George Bush? How about you admit that you fucked up repeatedly and helped drop our economy in the shitter with a meaningless war in Iraq? Then maybe you will have some credibility when you present new ideas.

No one wants to hear a bunch of negative doom and gloom crap from the opposition. Let's hear your actual concrete plans to fix these problems that your party created.

And someone tell McCain to retire. He is old, useless and out of touch.

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