Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sarah Palin Makes Another Retarded Statement

This week President Obama raised a few eyebrows with a politically incorrect quip. During an interview with Jay Leno he said of his bowling skills, "It's like—it was like Special Olympics, or something..."

Now the fact is most people found that funny. It's just not the kind of statement that you'd expect to hear from a statesman. And sure, it's offensive to those with a disability, and those athletes with special needs.

All that said, let's stop with the fake indignation. Alaska's favorite handicapped person, Sarah Palin, reared her ugly head again to comment on the story:

"This was a degrading remark about our world's most precious and unique people...I hope President Obama's comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community."

All I have to say to that is, go fuck yourself Sarah.

First of all, disabled people are NOT the world's most precious and unique people. Almost universally societies around the world treat the handicapped like crap. And this is certainly true here in America. The fact is people with disabilities face a life long fight against discrimination, and of course their own disability. Some overcome their physical or mental problems through sheer force of will. But let's not kid ourselves that these people are some magical gift from God. These people are unfortunate victims of the human condition, and I'm sure 99% of them have at some point wished they were just like everyone else.

Palin's politically motivated dig at Obama also rings quite hollow when you consider her bullshit stance on rejecting $400m in stimulus money for the state of Alaska. Money that she could have spent on projects for special needs children for example.

I really am sick of this disillusion bitch, thinking she can make a successful presidential run one day. Even those Americans who found Obama's comments on Leno distasteful are not about to elect a second retard into the White House.


Anonymous said...

I don't like Sarah Palin and didn't vote for her. I do find you to be incredibly tone deaf and heartless. I'm guessing you don't have kids and there are just a lot of things you know nothing about. Too bad you feel the need to write nonsense with your limited experience. I'm sure you're just trying to be outrageous to get some attention. What's it like to be such a small man?

ZCT said...

Well Doctor, it seems like you have me all figured out. A pretty impressive feat for someone who has never met me.

I guess my only question is why you would take the time to dignify my 'outrageous' attention seeking 'nonsense' with a response at all?

As a follow up I am curious as to why you have no counter argument and resort to the rather sad ad hominem, as opposed to a reasoned logical argument. Does that make you the bigger man, Mr. Anonymous?

Anonymous said...


ZCT said...


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