Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Endorse Obama

Recently I met someone playing poker and later discovered they had a blog. Upon reading it I came to an important realization: Blogs are supposed to be updated on a regular basis. I guess I didn't get the memo because I've clearly been a lazy bastard recently (where recent is probably a couple of decades or so) and I've not been keeping up with the blogging thing.

I'm sure the legions of fans have been missing my pointless rambling over the past few months, and therefore I wanted to reward their patience with a new post.

As we continue the incredibly long and tedious path to the White House it seems we are left, as usual, with a decision between two politicians. There are a large chunk of Americans who have to vote along party lines. Either you are pro life or pro choice, pro guns or uninterested in guns, gay hating or tolerant, etc. American politics appears to take the basic issues, pretend there is no gray area, and then guilt you in to voting in order to support your cause.

Personally, I can't vote. Something about being a damn immigrant. But if I were to vote, it would have to be for Obama.

I actually think he has a good message. Some say he is all fluff and no policy, but if you switch off Fox News for a moment and visit the Obama web site you'll see that he is detailed and clear about all the major issues. So if you think he is full of fluff, you aren't paying attention.

Then we have John McCain. Oh dear. Let's be clear about this. If he were in the work place, the only job he would seriously be considered for is a greeter at Wal-Mart. The guy is 71, going on 72. If he made two terms he would be 80. I'm sorry, to have to say this, but people of that age are not fit to run anything. They need to sit back and let the living take care of the world. They should restrict their politics to grumbling about the good old days to anyone that would listen.

Now, I know that may come across as harsh, but it's reality. This country does not need some doddery old fogey at the helm, regardless of his policies. But sadly his policies don't really make him any more appealing. He has talked about the need to distance ourselves from Russia and China. He has suggested ideas and policies that could bring about a new cold war, and hurt relations with a country that makes almost everything we buy. Then throw in the usual right wing crap about guns, abortions and sanctity of marriage, and you have George Bush II: This Time He's Old, And A Bit Less Of A Dick.

After eight years of being ass raped by George Bush, it is amazing that there is anyone left who would support a candidate so similar to what we are about to get rid of. I don't think that Obama is perfect. But then I have a general disdain for all politicians. However, the clear reality is, a vote for McCain is horrific act of unbridled stupidity.

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