Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obama Despair

Someone I know, a former soldier, recently posted this on Facebook, and it just made me shake my head in wonder at how stupid people can be.

It seems at times that people who support the Republicans in this day and age have simply removed facts, reality, recent history, information and even knowledge from their thinking and are so doggedly Republican they simply cannot do anything other than attack the President.

When it comes to the relationship with the troops, let's be real here.  It was George Bush almost ten years ago, who famously sat like a deer in headlights after he was told our nation was under attack.  While Americans were in harms way, the man just sat there and did nothing.

After the worst terrorist attack on American soil, he rounded up tens of thousands of our troops and sent them storming into Afghanistan, with no real game plan or strategy.  Not so long later, he blundered into Iraq, in an operation that was supposed to take 'a few months' after being 'greeted as liberators' by Iraqis.  Yet here we are in 2011, our economic system at risk of dipping back into a second massive recession, scratching our heads and trying to figure out how to pay the tab run up by Bush and his bloodthirsty wars.

If the Despair poster above resinates with you, I'd love for you to tell me why.  Explain how it is that Obama is so ignorant and clueless, whereas Bush was a great sage of our time?  Explain how it is Obama's fault that Bush spent all the money and then ran back to his ranch in Texas leaving Obama to figure out how we pay up.  Please tell me what all these terrible blunders Obama has made with our troops that could justify this absurdly stupid image.

Often times the scariest thing about America is the sheer number of people that witness events unfold, promptly forget about them, and then hand the keys back to the assholes who just drove the United States off a cliff.

Right now that crying asshole and his band of Tea Bag owned cronies are trying to figure out how to rape the American people, even more to pay for the mistakes of George Bush.  They won't consider the logical or obvious, such as asking those billionaires who made out like bandits during the Bush administration to chip in.  They won't consider closing loopholes that allow rich people and corporations to avoid paying the taxes they owe.  No instead they want to come after their favorite whipping boy; the middle class.  Let's cut back on education, cut pensions, cut back on police, teachers, government workers.  Let's put a bunch of people out of work, kick old people and children off their health care plans, all so people like Donald Trump won't have to notice a slightly lower balance on their savings accounts.

How anyone can be disrespecting our President, as if we all made a mistake and we should instead have voted in old man McCain, his bimbo sidekick, so the man who announced that the fundamentals of our economy were sound, right before the worst recession in American history, would be doing so much better, is quite beyond me.  Talk about some delusional thinking.

As for the picture above, if you are worried about our troops, just remember who put them there in harms way in the first place.  And let's also remember who is enacting a plan to bring them home.  And finally, if you like that picture, get a fucking clue and learn some critical thinking before Idiocracy is upon us.

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