Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony Released

This weekend Casey Anthony went free from jail, free to live the rest of her life an innocent women.  Despite the release being shortly after midnight, there were people who made the effort to travel to the jail, stand out in the rain, and hurl abuse at this person as she walked to the car surrounded by armed guards.

First off, I don't know what derangement possesses someone to travel all that way, and wait around all night hoping to yell at someone who a jury found innocent on all charges (other than lying).

But my comment is simply this, Casey Anthony was destroyed in the media, she had to contend with that vile little bitch Nancy Grace et al telling Americans how she was guilty and how she should be put to death.  And now Anthony has to live in society with these crazy people, knowing that threats have been made against her life.

The media, indignant that a jury did not share their thirst for blood, went on the offensive talking about how she will probably make millions doing interviews and a book deal etc.  To all this, I say, so what, and leave this poor woman alone.

We have a criminal justice system that is deeply flawed, and clearly racist.  Innocent people get thrown in jail all the time, including petty criminals who certainly don't need to be in jail.  So even if Casey Anthony deliberately murdered her baby in cold blood, so be it.  All the evidence was presented, and the jury couldn't even find her guilty of mistreating or abusing the child, much less killing her.  Even if some people think she had a hand in the child's death by being irresponsible, just let it go already.  Thanks to our infant mortality rate (46th in the world - GO AMERICA!), dozens of babies will die today in America because we don't make quality affordable health care available to the poor.  These dead babies will not get 30 days of blanket media coverage, in fact they won't even make a newspaper headline.  It will just be another statistic, another oh well.  I suspect in fact that during the time Casey Anthony was in jail, the number of babies that died unnecessarily in America because of our fuck you attitude towards the poor would have hit tens of thousands.  How can we as a nation have such an outpouring of emotion over this one kid, but continue to support policies and political ideologies that sentence millions to die prematurely?

This woman is either so unstable she deliberately killed her child, so irresponsible she accidentally killed the child through action or inaction, or just plain unlucky.  But in any case she is going to have to live with that fact and the infamy forever.  Not a day will ever go by in her life when she will not be haunted by what happened, the death of her child, the three years in jail, the media circus, the death threats, the threat of death row, and the unwanted celebrity status (where you get almost all the bad, and almost none of the good benefits of being a celebrity).  She will never be able to lead a normal life, have a normal job, have normal friends and co-workers.  What happened will define her entire life in a pretty horrific way.  So for these assholes to be talking about what happened as her walking away 'scott free' is just beyond brainless.

As far as I am concerned I am totally okay that she is free.  I also could not care less if she makes a few million from what happened, because she isn't going to be able to earn that money in any kind of normal way.  Above all else, I really was appalled by the witch hunt and the trial by media.  I am further appalled at the despicable and disgusting fucktards who protested the trial, and waited around for hours and days just to hurl abuse at her.  It is so uncivilized, and is one step away from stoning people to death.  These protestors could have been working a soup kitchen, volunteering for the homeless, fostering an unwanted baby.  Any number of things.  But instead they were making an already horrific situation worse by being assholes.  So if you were one of those people; fuck you.

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