Saturday, May 09, 2009

More Oppression Of Saudi Women

Life is not always good for women of Saudi Arabia. Forced to wear stupid oppressive costumes their whole life once they leave childhood. Not allowed to drive. Not allowed to get a proper education, or leave the home most of the time. The criminal justice system revolves around men. Women can be put to death, or flogged for a multitude of crimes, including riding in a car with a 'strange' man, being raped, and so on.

It is really quite sick that our nation is 'friends' with such a hotbed of evil. I'll be interested to see how friendly we are with them once their oil runs out.

The latest story out of Saudi Arabia is unsurprisingly one of further oppression of women. Since women are not allowed to attend places that men go (without an escort), the only way they can stay in shape is to attend a women's only gym. The only problem with that arrangement is that it is illegal to open a women's only gym without a license. And the only problem with that is that the government does not issue licenses for women's gyms.

For a few years gyms for women have operated in secret around the county, and the authorities have turned a blind eye to the practice. But not being oppressive assholes is not something the authorities are good at in Saudi. So the government has now begun a crackdown on female gyms, closing them for not having a license.

Another argument they make against women getting exercise, is the belief that a woman can lose their virginity by playing sports. This in turn puts them in danger of being stoned to death, if her new husband doesn't believe he has married a virgin after his wedding night.

It really is so sad to see an entire nation operating in such a disgusting manner. Oppressing half the population in so many despicable ways. I hope their oil runs out soon, so we can cut off all trade relations with these nasty scumbags.

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