Tuesday, May 05, 2009

LOL @ Carrie Prejean

I had to laugh at Carrie Prejean (AKA Miss Anti-Opposite Marriage) getting her ass kicked in the media this week.

Carrie Prejean was bitter because her dumb homo prejudiced pageant answer cost her the win (so she claims). So she decided to use her 15 seconds of fame to stand up and campaign for the Christians values of 'normal' marriage between a man and a woman.

She went on the rampage in the media spouting crap about how it was her RIGHT to discriminate against other people and encourage others to do so also (it was remember, her OPINION). And there was no arguing with her; after all GOD was on her side.

Unfortunately a few facts emerged recently that sully the clean cut Christian image, that she was trying to exploit for personal gain.

First off, it is becoming clear that she accepted the gift of a free boob job, when everyone knows there is no such thing as a free boob job.

Next is the contract she entered into to become Miss California. She agreed to various ethical standards and gave her word that she had not ever been involved in nude photo shoots. Turns out she lied about that.

Various web sites today released some topless pictures of her wearing tiny panties and nothing else. Carrie Prejean went on the offensive claiming that 'they' were trying to silence her Christian views, while simultaneously explaining that nude and semi-nude photography is common for models. She further claimed to have been under 18 when the pictures were taken, which many believe is a lie.

He's the problem that I, and so many others, have with this bimbo. She has set herself up as a good Christian woman, who just wants to push that agenda. And there is nothing especially wrong with that, if your motives are genuine (and you are who you claim to be).

Carrie Prejean is a fraud though. She is a stripper who whores herself to get ahead in life. She recognised that her stupid answer in the pageant cost her a win, so decided to dig her heels in and pretend to be a martyr for her Christian cause, but really was simply using the situation to build on her celebrity. But when you are a liar, a stripper, and a whore, it is hard to preach to others about how they should lead their lives.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the ultra right wing Christian groups who have been fawning around her since she took her 'stand' against 'opposite marriage' as more and more facts come out about this fraud.

A Christian talk show presenter made a comment on the news today that I believe in wholeheartedly. She said, Christianity isn't a buffet. You can't just pick and choose the bits you like, and ignore the things you don't. Either the Bible is the infallible word of God or it is not. If you are going to use the Bible to justify discrimination against the gay community, it makes no sense to simply ignore other equally important Biblical principles and rules for the sake of convenience.

Just to be clear, I am not conservative. I don't have a problem with women who wish to strip, become prostitutes, or have cosmetic surgery to become models. To each their own. But you can't do things that are blatantly against the teaching of the Bible, and then thump the Bible to push your particular cause or agenda.

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