Friday, January 16, 2009

Asshole Politician Alert

It's been a little while since we had to report on an asshole politician. But to prove that I am not a completely biased liberal, I'd like to shed some light on the douchebaggery of Senator Robert Ford of South Carolina.

From the state that brings you one of the worst literacy rates in the nation this FUCKING MORON had decided to put forth a bill, which if approved would make it a felony to use profanity.

Dropping an 'F Bomb' in a public place, under his proposal could land you in jail for up to five years, and include a fine of up to $5,000.

I think I might need to repeat this. Saying the word FUCK in a public place could result in five years of jail time, and a felony conviction on your criminal record.


If there is one thing that always pisses me off it is stupid loser politicians, with nothing better to do than to propose the stupidest laws in creation. Because until South Carolina has solved all their real problems, the fact that any tax dollars are being spent to pursue this kind of nonsense is offensive.

Quite frankly, politicians should be fired immediately for proposing nonsense such as this. But since that protection mechanism is not in place, I'd like to call on Senator Robert Ford to do the right thing and step down. This suggested law change shows such a fundamental lack of good judgment that I would argue he is no longer fit for office.

So thank you for your service Mr. Ford. Now please go fuck yourself.

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