Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sure Paris, Whatever You Say

"I'm very intelligent. I'm capable of doing everything put to me. I've launched a perfume and want my own hotel chain. I'm living proof blondes are not stupid." - Paris Hilton

I hate to burst your bubble Paris, but people judge you on your actions, not the fact you 'want' to open a hotel chain. I'd like to do that too, but I am not rich and don't have the connections you have (and have squandered). And merely wanting to do something is not really an indication of intelligence. I'd like to own a few billion dollars worth of real estate, does that make me smart?

What you are Paris is a very well paid stripper. I've nothing against that, but you have a long way to go to earning people's respect for your mind rather than your naked or semi-naked body.

The picture above was taken from a new product Paris intends to launch soon; Champagne in a can (yes like soda). And surprise surprise she decided to get naked to promote it. Brilliant 'thinking' there.


Anonymous said...

Actually, getting naked to promote her products is probably the most intelligent thing she could do. But I'm sure that she didn't come up with that idea by herself anyway... unless she thought the photographer was hot

ZCT said...

I can only imagine the plans she has for her hotel chain. A nude of her in every room? Complimentary samples of her perfume? A can of her new champagne in the mini bar? Her greatest hits playing in the lobby? Re-runs of The Simple Life available in the room, with a disclaimer stating that Paris is only 'acting' on the show, and she is really smart...

Scary stuff.

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