Thursday, November 06, 2008

GOP Attack Dogs Savage Palin

And so it begins. The Republican aides who worked with Sarah Palin during the 2008 Presidential Election are coming out of the woodwork, eager to stab their former colleague in the back.

Based on initial reports, it seems that her staff hated her with a passion. And according to The Times Newspaper in the UK, aides are claiming that there will be many more damning stories to come out in the weeks to come. I'll keep my eye out.

In the first around of allegations we learned:
  • Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent.
  • Did not know which countries were in the North America Free Trade Agreement.
  • She spent tens of thousands more on clothes than the $150,000 already alleged.
  • Newsweek magazine claims that she was told to buy three suits for the Republican convention, but instead went on a lavish spending spree at Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.
  • Most of the clothes were bought and paid for by a wealthy donor who was 'shocked' when he got the bill.
  • One particularly angry aide said it was like, "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast."
  • Sarah Palin made low level staffers put clothes in their own credit cards.
  • Sarah's Husband allegedly received $40,000 worth of clothing.
  • When two GOP aides went to her hotel room to brief her, she showed up to the meeting wearing only a towel, and told them to talk to her husband while she got ready.
All the evidence thus far points to the fact that many more revelations about uncontrolled spending by this 'fiscal conservative hockey mom' will be very interesting indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of all the things we Alaskans have been made aware of is the complete disrespect that people from the lower 48 have for us up here.. ie Hillbillies. Sarah as well as the people from Alaska got another wake up call...America is a cruel place for those who are kind and different. This will probley only spur on The Alaskan Independence party to seek to leave the union and form our own nation.

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