Friday, November 07, 2008

Finding The First Dog

During the Obama victory speech, President-elect Obama said to his daughters, "I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House."

But apparently one of his children have allergy issues, and that is causing speculation about certain less usual dogs that might be chosen as first dog.

I'd never heard of some of the breeds mentioned, but decided to research what they looked like. So here are some cute hypo-allergenic dog suggestions that the BBC were talking about.

This is a labradoodle. Part Labrador, part poodle.

This is a schnoodle. Part schnauzer and part poodle.

This is a goldendoodle. A poodle and golden retriever mix.
A survey of 42,000 members of the American Kennel Club chose this as their top pick.

And finally, this is a cockapoo. Part cocker spaniel and part poodle.

For me it's a close race between the cockapoo and the goldendoodle. They are both very cute, and both have amusing names that I'm sure the children will relish. While I originally favored the cockapoo, that was before I saw some goldendoodles. It's a tough choice, but since it is not one I have to make, I won't waste any more time thinking about it.

But my money is on the goldendoodle.

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