Friday, October 31, 2008

Sarah The Socialist

We've been hearing a lot of nonsense about socialism, terrorism, Marxism, and various other 'isms' designed to scare Americans.

Republicans like Sarah Palin are on the attack for Barack Obama's heinous plan to roll back the ridiculous Bush tax cuts on millionaires. You know, the ones that helped dump our economy into the shitter.

The McCain camp jumped all over Obama's comment that he wanted to redistribute wealth by making the rich pay a shade more, to give relief to the middle class.

But let's look at this hypocrisy for a moment. Let's look at what Palin has been doing in Alaska.

Governor Palin taxes the rich oil companies operating out of Alaska, and gives that money directly to citizens of Alaska. In fact last year she raised taxes on the rich oil companies again, and gave a record setting $3,269 to every eligible man, woman and child in Alaska.

Alaskans also pay no state income tax or sales tax. They just get a nice big government hand out from a $30 billion dollar pool, created largely by taking money from big oil.

Despite all this Palin commented, "Friends, now is no time to experiment with socialism."

I guess she doesn't need to experiment, she seems to have already learned all about it.

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