Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sarah The Hypocrite Meets Sam The Con Man

Just when you think the McCain campaign cannot stoup any lower, they have now decided to take "Joe" The "Plumber" out on the road and show him off to the media to prove how non-elitist they are.

Samuel (Joe's real name) on the other hand is trying hang on to his 15 minutes of fame with a death grip (maybe his dream of owning a plumbing company wasn't really his dream). Quick to cash in Samuel has already signed with a Nashville public relations and management firm to organize his public appearances. He is reported to be pursuing a music career. Apparently, as well as plumbing without a license, he enjoys country and western singing although admits (through a spokesperson) that he is not an accomplished musician or song writer.

But although he is not much of a song writer, it turns out the idea of writing a book is already being kicked around.

However, fear not, if the music or book writing falls through, maybe he could get a job as a political pundit. Yesterday after being exploited by Sarah Palin at a rally, they even allowed him to answer some audience questions (which is weird given that they try to avoid letting Palin do that), and he agreed with some audience rant about Palestine, which even made some pundits at Fox News cringe.

I thought that John Kerry ran a crappy political campaign. But John McCain seems to be trying to show us new levels of pathetic.

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