Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain: Latest Sleaze Attack

John McCain and Sarah Palin continued this week with their sleazy campaign, this time trying to link Barack Obama with Rashid Khalidi, a person with a foreign sounding name (probably a terrorist then) who they allege was a spokesperson for the Palestine Liberation Organization.

They claimed that Obama palled around with him, and made the usual series of infrences we have come to expect from a campaign desperate to find traction (and racist connotations) any place they can.

Unfortunately this bit of slime didn't stick. In fact like a news boomerang it came right back and hit the McCain campaign squarely in the teeth. Because within a very short time of admonishing the Los Angeles Times for not providing them with a video tape that proved Obama's link to Khalidi, it was discovered that McCain had even closer ties.

See it turns out, embarrassingly enough, 15 years ago Khalidi founded a group called the Center for Palestine Research and Studies, and John McCain chairs a group (International Republican Institute) that has donated over $800,000 to them.

So I guess the question for John McCain is, if Khalidi is such an evil terrorist, why is a group you chair giving his organization all that money?

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