Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin

In an attempt to steal the limelight from Barak Obama, old man McCain decided to name his vice president a couple of days ago. He picked Sarah Palin; a move that shows the depth of his ineptitude for all but the most stupid people to recognise.

After all the campaigning about the need for experience in the White House, he picks this 44 year old former pageant girl, who has been Governor of Alaska less than two years, and prior to that was mayor of a town with less than 9,000 people in it. A women that McCain has met once.

John McCain was 72 just the other day. If elected he would be the oldest president ever, with a slew of medical problems. And if he dies, this woman would be our president. WTF? How is she qualified to do that?

I think that McCain's decision only goes to show why he is utterly unqualified to run this country. It's not just that he is fucking old, or that he has voted with George Bush over 90% of the time, it is the fact that he is willing to abandon his own principles just to get elected. He seems to think that this young hottie will entice women to automatically vote for him because he picked a lady VP. Now I am sure that some women are that stupid, but seriously, any intelligent woman is going to notice that Palin is not Hillary, and never will be. Her politics are dangerously stupid, and she is not qualified to be VP.

Apart from he laughable lack of experience, here are some other interesting facts about her:
  • She is strongly anti-choice, and believes that abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest. In fact she is a member of a right wing feminist organization called Feminists For Life. In a letter to them she once called abortion an 'atrocity.'
  • In 2000, she supported right wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president.
  • She thinks that Creationism is science, and should be taught in schools, along side evolution. Although despite stating this in a televised debate, she changed her mind the following day, and said that students should be encouraged to debate evolution, rather than place creationism on the curriculum. Fuck it, why not have them debate Pi and Gravity too. Let's not educate the kids, let's just have them learn to argue with teachers.
  • She attacked the Bush administration for saying that polar bears are endangered (she didn't want environmental concerns to get in the way of drilling for oil in Alaska).
  • She wants more oil drilling because she doesn't think that renewables will be around for years (which they probably won't be if people like her get to make decisions).
  • She doesn't think that humans have any impact of global climate change.
  • Although she claims to have gay friends, she has consistently campaigned against gay rights.
  • She came second in the 1984 Miss Alaska beauty pageant.
  • Her five children are called, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Track and Trig.
  • Palin has been accused of abusing her power by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from his job as State Trooper. She is part of an ongoing investigation into her abuse of power, that has cost the tax payer over $100,000 thus far.
  • Palin claims to have tried smoking pot (perhaps not enough of it). But despite this, is in favor of people being sent to jail for possession, since she claims relaxing the law would send the wrong message to children. Maybe she should spend some time in jail since she has admitted to committing a crime.
  • She favors the death penalty.
  • She has left the country twice. Once to visit Ireland, and in 2007 she had a trip to Germany and Kuwait. UPDATE: Turns out I was misinformed here. This was another lie by her people to make her sound more worldly. She never actually went on a trip to Ireland. Her plane merely stopped in Ireland to refuel, on her way to Kuwait.
At the end of the day, as an Obama supporter, I think it is wonderful that McCain has chosen this women to be his VP. He has now shown beyond any reasonable doubt what a severe lack of good judgment he has.

Voters now have a clear choice. A man with vision and charisma and a genuine desire to repair the damage that the Bush administration has caused. Or an old fool, who thinks having an unqualified women on his ticket will win him the election.

Finally, on what should be a separate blog entry (but I am too lazy) I'd just like to ask those assholes who claim to be voting for McCain now (because Hillary didn't win the nomination) to go fuck themselves. Your dream candidate Hillary Clinton fucked up. She was the prohibitive favorite at one time, yet managed to lose to Obama. I was truly shocked, because I really thought at one time she was a slam dunk. But now she has lost, so stop being so childish and stop threatening to vote for old man McCain and his right wing bimbo instead. That's like being hungry, going to a restaurant, and then refusing to eat anything because they ran out of the daily special.

A vote for McCain is an indication that you are fucking stupid, and that you think that George Bush has done a great job. Don't be that person.

1 comment:

Rich Wagner said...

Wow, fucking stupid huh? Nice...

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