Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I think I've made my position on old man McCain pretty clear. This guy is George Bush II: The Old Man Cometh. But this week he appears to be trying to compete with his Bush buddy with a series of McCainisms. In the 2000 election we all chuckled at Bushisms, where Bush displayed to the world just what a moron he was, and we elected him anyway.

This week McCain started his gaffes with the comment that there was a situation on the Iraq / Pakistan border. I think the 'situation' might be that there is no Iraq / Pakistan border, because there's a fucking country separating them called Iran!

But apparently the old man had more to say. On Wednesday, in what can only be described as a 'look at my balls' move, he credited George Bush with the recent drop in fuel prices.

Yep, that's right folks. During the Bush administration gas has jumped from 99c a gallon to well over $4 a gallon, thanks to his masterful control of the economy. In the past few weeks the price fell back a few cents, and this McCainiac wants us to thank George Bush!!!

I was completely dumbfounded by this statement. It would be like thanking a rapist for not killing you after he'd finished raping you.


Rich Wagner said...

What a complete and utter dolt...

ZCT said...

See, I know you secretly love Obama ;)

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