Monday, September 04, 2006


I woke up this morning to the sad news that Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin has died. In a surprising twist he was not killed by one of the many dangerous animals that he handled, but was killed in a freak accident when a normally harmless stingray stabbed him in the chest. Stingray have a barbed spiked tail with a venom, but hardly ever attack humans.

Steve was swimming in the sea off the coast of Australia filming a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef when the accident happened.

Steve was an incredible naturalist and reptile expert. He used his fame and fortune to expand and improve the world famous zoo and conservation center his father opened. His passion spilled onto the screen and hopefully inspired others to take up the cause of animal preservation.

We'll miss you mate.

Steve Irwin, 2/22/62 - 9/4/06

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