Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thanks Frist

Yesterday I received my first blow off letter from a politician. Good old boy Bill Frist had one of his underlings send me a nice blow off letter about HR4411. I had written to him to ask him to oppose HR4411 on the basis that it was an unworkable law that made no sense. If HR4411 is passed into law ISPs will be required to scan every page they serve to their subscribers and filter out links to gambling sites (like they do in China). The government will be allowed to check everyone's bank account for evidence of receipt of money from an online gambling site. The law will actually do little to prevent any of the bad side of Internet gambling, but will infringe the civil liberties of American citizens yet again, even if they have never gambled online.

Over 70 million Americans play poker, 23 million of those do so online. This outrageous bill seeks to take away rights not only of poker players but non-poker players alike. But as usual no one cares. No one cares that taxing in regulating online gaming could create $3.3Bn in tax revenue almost overnight. No one in politics seems to care that there are real and pressing issues that need to be addressed.

So thank you for the blow off letter Dr. Frist. Too bad you are just too busy and important to address the real issues facing this nation.

If you are angry about your rights being taken away and believe that in a free country anyone of age should be allowed to play poker online, click here to send a letter to your Senator. Then maybe you too can get a standard blow off letter from the underling of a politician who doesn't care.


Anonymous said...

What were you expecting, a blow-off letter from Frist himself? Even then you'd be upset because he didn't sign it himself. Fact is, Frist doesn't care about you nor your opinions.

ZCT said...

Thank you for your comment anonymous.

My post was merely a comment on the pointless letter I got from Frists’ office. It isn’t that I am irritated that my opinion is not being heard, it is the fact that the majority of Americans do not support a ban on online gaming. Therefore Frist is not just blowing me off but also ignoring what the majority of Americans want.

For some reason you seem to think that it is amusing that a politician doesn’t care what his constituents think and chooses to ignore public opinion. I just don’t happen to find that amusing. In any case there is no need to be such a dick. And please don't assume how I would feel about events that never occurred, you are certainly not qualified to predict what I am going to think about something.

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