Sunday, December 25, 2005

Goosey Goosey Gander (Boring Post Alert)

As a first this Christmas I decided to serve goose instead of turkey. I am always up for trying new meats so it seemed like a good idea.

It turns out it was. The goose was great, rather like duck and certainly a lot nicer tasting than turkey.

I decided to stop the original post here because it got boring. The bottom line here is that after reading a bunch of crap online I found a good site called which explains it all really simply. If you want an idiot goose cooking guide here is mine:

The simple way to cook a goose...
  • Buy a 10lb goose.
  • If it is frozen, put in the fridge for 2.5 days before cooking, to thaw.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 400F.
  • Wash the bird with warm water and remove the crap they stuff in the cavity.
  • Cut off any excess fat (just the real obvious stuff).
  • Prick the skin with the tip of a knife, only make small pricks.
  • Sprinkle salt over it and in the cavity.
  • Put it in a deep baking dish with a lid on.
  • Cook for an hour.
  • Drain the fat (there will be plenty).
  • Set the oven to 325F.
  • Place the bird back in the oven for three hours.
  • Uncover for the last of the three hours to brown.
You can do some more fancy things like stuffing it and wrapping the wings in foil and all the stuff the real cooking sites will talk about. But just those basics will make you a nice bird that will feed 4-8 people.

I don't know what prompted me to write this, but I think it has to do with the fact it took me an hour to find a site that just explained it without assuming I was already a chef. So maybe next Christmas buy a goose and dare to be different!

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