Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Republican Balls

Say what you will about Republicans, but you kinda have to admire their balls.

As I listen to various Republicans in the media on the run up to the 2012 Presidential Election, the thing that astounds me is the lunacy of their arguments.

If we ignore the total dipshit stuff like the racism and birther shit, let's look at some of their other arguments:

1) Obama has not been able to wave a magic wand and fix the economy.

2) Obama's lack of foreign policy skills have left us vulnerable abroad as evidenced by the recent embassy killing.

3) Obama wants to punish rich people for success because he is an evil socialist who wants to redistribute wealth to welfare queens.

4) Obama is the food stamp president, because lots of people are currently on welfare.

I'd like to take a moment to address these bizarre accusations that I keep hearing.

First off, can we stop for a moment and discuss who the fuck destroyed the American economy in the first place?  That's right, the last REPUBLICAN president.  He led us into two wars that were not properly paid for, all while giving massive unfunded tax cuts to the richest people in America.  And despite ten years of Bush tax cuts, it seems as if the 'job creators' have not actually created enough jobs or trickled down their wealth as predicted.

Secondly, has every Republican forgotten 9/11?  While George Bush was on a six week vacation clearing brush on his ranch, intelligence memos were circulating in Washington talking about Osama Bin Laden trying to fly planes into the World Trade Center.  But apparently Bush wasn't paying attention, after all that pesky brush isn't going to clear itself is it?  So on his watch, while he was tasked with the role of Commander In Chief, we suffered the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world.  And then embarked on two unfunded wars in the Middle East which destabilized the region and provided propaganda for those who would wish to hate America.

If we are hated in the Middle East it is because our actions fuel that hate.  Terrorists are not going after Canadian embassies or Australians.  They come after us because we keep poking the hornets nest.  They are not mad at Obama, they are mad at America, and the actions of Bush in the Middle East cannot be downplayed.

As to point three, George Bush enacted two major tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003.  Rich people made out like bandits and the rich poor divide has widened.  We are doing such a bad job of raising revenue to fund our infrastructure that some cities in America have just ripped up street lights because they can't afford the electric bill.  A bit of a third world solution don't you think?  Yet when Obama talks about ending these tax cuts we can no longer afford (and never could afford actually), he is accused of socialism and class warfare.  Republicans would have us believe that we can't afford to pay teachers what they deserve, but we can afford to give tax cuts to millionaires.

And finally they love to attack the President for the welfare problem.  But again, this was created by Republicans!  As George Bush was ending his second term, the economy was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs.  In fact the final Bush year saw our country put 2.6 million people out of a job.  The biggest job loss this country has seen since 1945.

So how is it President Obama's fault that in three years he has not been able to fix all the damage they caused?  He promised us change, and he has given us change.  It could have been a lot better if Republicans had not stonewalled and filibustered everything he tried to do.  Mitch McConnell famously stated that his number one priority was to see to it that Obama did not see a second term.  Notice no mention of the economy, jobs, or doing the right thing for America.  Just a partisan attack strategy that is not in the best interests of the country.

And now we have Mitt Romney, the classical rich douchebag born with a silver spoon in his greedy little mouth, who is peddling the same old Republican crap that put us in this mess in the first place.  Tax cuts for the rich and for corporations, trickle down economics, and an admission that he doesn't give a shit about 47% of Americans.

Quite how anyone with a brain can support a guy like Romney is a mystery to me.  And how so many people can choose to ignore very recent political history is also amazing.  Let us hope there are enough smart people out there to save us from Romney and his dangerous Tea Party Congress.

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