Thursday, February 03, 2011

Republican Rape Fantasy

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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This excellent Daily Show clip highlights another disturbing development in the Republican party.  Apparently the 'Jobs are our number one priority' Republican Congress have now found time to try and redefine rape.  If successful rape victims will only be viewed as victims if the rape was 'forcible.'  In other words if your rapist is gentle, good luck getting any sympathy from a Republican.  They probably think it's your fault for leaving the kitchen anyway.

I'm going to put aside the obvious issues with women's rights, the back door attack on abortion rights, and all the other crapulance at play here.  One of the many scary things about this move is the clear message that Republicans don't give a fuck about you.  They have not changed since the Bush era, they have not grown or even tried to improve since they were booted out of office in 2008.  Instead of reigning in the Tea Party fucktards, the religious right, and the other fringe crazies, they have embraced them.

In 2008 we sent them the message to fuck off with their big government, war mongering, hateful money wasting policies, and from that they took the message that they needed to become more crazy.  Staggeringly the American people gave them another chance in 2010, and here we are reaping the rewards.  They are trying to back peddle on health care so that once again children and poor people can be denied coverage, and now here they are trying to redefine rape and attack a woman's right to choose to have an abortion.

When are these fuckers going to concentrate on helping to mend the economy they destroyed?  When are they going to stop kissing up to the lunatic fringe right wingers?  What the hell is their next bill going to be?  A reevaluation of slavery?  A discussion on whether women should really be trusted with the vote?

But until Americans start holding these people accountable, and communicating to them in no uncertain terms that extremist politics is never the answer, the Republicans will continue to attack our rights, while failing to live up to their election promises.
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