Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sony PlayStation Network Hacked

Sony have recently had some egg on their face with the 'illegal network intrusion' that has left over 70 million PlayStation users without a network for several days now.

But annoying as it is not to be able to enjoy Call of Duty or Netflix, while their network is down, I was especially angry today to read the latest press release from Sony about the problem.  It was a little while before they even admitted that a hacker had been to blame for the outage.  Today though, they went a step further and almost a week after the outage began they mentioned that it is possible that personal data from users may have been compromised, including, name, address, email address, credit card numbers, birth dates, and basically anything we've shared with Sony in recent times.  Awesome.

The blog post suggested that the 70 million users be 'vigilant' and check their credit reports for identity theft or phishing scams.  Are they fucking kidding?

I used to like Sony a lot, but first they allowed their network to be compromised by a bunch of morons running patches that allow all manner of cheating in major popular games like Modern Warfare 2, ruining the whole game for several weeks.  Then they patched that and somehow let a hacker wander in, steal all their confidential customer data, and fuck their network on the way out.  Their system is so badly designed that I can't even watch Netflix on the PS3 any more because for some crazy reason I can't just stream like I would if I were watching it on my laptop.  It has to use the PSN, which is still offline.

I guess I am ultimately just disappointed that this is yet another failing in a long line of security breaches Sony have allowed, and this time it even involves my personal data that I entrusted to Sony.  I expect more than just a lame apology and a warning to be vigilant with my personal information.

UPDATE: Sony just issued another statement 'clarifying' that they didn't realize that personal data had been stolen until some computer forensic experts they hired figured it out.  Therefore, they did not sit on this knowledge for an unreasonable amount of time according to them.  Just thought I'd mention that.

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