Sunday, January 09, 2011

How Many More?

This weekend, America got to see another fatal shooting of innocent people by a psychotic fucktard who found it so simple and easy to purchase a deadly semi automatic firearm and use it to kill.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is now fighting for her life and six other people (including a child) are dead.  Dozens more will suffer the emotional scars for years.  And the tax payer will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the trial, incarceration, and who knows, maybe the execution of Jared Loughner, the gunman.

Within a few weeks, the NRA will probably have a rally to remind us that their incorrect interpenetration of the Second Amendment is that God Himself demands that all Americans arm themselves.

My first issue is with Sarah Palin and her band of trigger happy idiots who stir violent rhetoric that pushes psychopaths like Loughner over the edge.  Palin used gun crosshairs on a map of America to target the politicians she wanted out of office, and one of the crosshairs was aimed at Giffords' location.

In June of last year Republican opponent Jesse Kelly advertised on his campaign web site to, "Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shoot a fully automatic M-16 with Jesse Kelly."

In the backlash over health care reform Giffords received death threats and her office was vandalized.  Now she lies in hospital with a gunshot wound to the head.

My question is this, how many more shootings will have to happen before Republicans stop with their dirty tricks, veiled threats, encouragement of violence, and love affair with guns?  Or maybe this is their strategy.  Rile up the base with threats, use of fear, lies, misinformation, cult like religious fervor, and easy access to guns.

It is truly sick that it is so easy to obtain a gun, and so abhorrent that those who assist in instigating deadly violent attacks are not brought to justice.  Jared Loughner did not act alone in this attack, his inner psychopath was encouraged by criminally irresponsible politicians, and armed by laughably lax gun control laws.

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