Monday, November 08, 2010

Jennifer Aniston New Movie Shocker

When I woke up to check my email this morning, I noticed that Yahoo! was reporting that Jennifer Aniston was trending.  Whenever I see a celebrity name trending, I often click just to see what news has caused the celebrity in question to suddenly trend.

To my shock and surprise I found out that Jennifer Aniston has been cast as a quirky and slightly unlikely love interest in a romantic comedy staring Adam Sandler.  Astonishing.

Further research surprised me even more when I discovered that Hugh Grant is also going to be in a romantic comedy where he plays a witty bumbling Englishman who can't seem to catch a break.

I tell you, it's little wonder these celebrities make so much money.  The time, effort and preparation these people have to go to for their craft puts the rest of us to shame.

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