Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does Your Church Do This?

A church near where I live (not pictured) recently got one of those large color digital LED signs that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Now, every day that I drive by I get to see 'important' information about how Jesus is going to save me in glorious high definition color.

I just gotta say, if you go to a church that does this, they are ripping you off. Using the Bible, guilt and peer pressure to coerce you into giving your hard earned money to them so they can afford the fancy sign whose sole purpose is to attract new members who they can exploit financially (and in many other ways) in a similar fashion.

Just before I wrote this blog article, I Googled church signs and visited over a dozen different sign manufactures, and noted that there was not a price in sight. It was all about call or email for a quote so that a smooth talking salesman can have a shot at making that big sale.

In any case, by the time a church has amassed the kind of money for a sign like this, they are in my opinion, totally out of control. Much like a spoiled heiress with daddy's credit card. Traditionally church donations were merely to give the preacher a meager living, and pay for basic repairs and upkeep. Now though, this kind of expensive digital media is pushing things into another dimension with sophisticated lures to attract more followers and make more money.

I'm all for people worshiping whatever magic invisible deity they choose to. But I do have a problem with churches actively recruiting the gullible to their flock.

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