Saturday, May 02, 2009

Gun Accidents

An idiot living in Northport, Alabama, may have to re-think his home defense strategy.

The 24-year-old hick decided that he would be a lot safer if he slept with a .40 caliber pistol in his bed. Unfortunately he somehow discharged the gun while sleeping and shot himself.

Sadly the gunshot wound was not fatal.


In an unrelated story a 59-year-old man in Colorado was visiting a relative in hospital, and accidentally shot himself as he reached into his pocket to pay for his lunch.

Apparently, the man was illegally carrying the concealed weapon for personal protection, and was unaware of the hospital's no gun policy, nor the concept of a safety catch.


My final story of gun idiocy happened last year.

A Texas man was playing poker and drinking with his friends in Fort Worth. The 44-year-old man left the room and noticed he had an itchy back. So he figured what better way to scratch his back, than with the loaded revolver he was carrying.

The man shot himself in the back, but was not seriously injured. The brain damage was said to be a pre-existing condition.

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