Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Could Someone Tell Cheney To Shut Up?

Back in the bad old days of the Bush administration, do you remember when us liberals were told to shut the fuck up and not voice our concerns about the horrific values and policies of the Bush administration? We were told that questioning the war was a direct insult to the troops. We were told that questioning the morals of torturing people was unpatriotic. That real Americans shut up and did as the Republicans instructed.

But now the boot is on the other foot. Democrats are in charge, and are in the process of finally bringing back core American values; which don't include torturing people.

Unfortunately, Dick Cheney continues to believe the rules that apply to others still don't apply to him. In fact we've heard more from the dark lord since he left office, than when he was in office, hiding in his secret lair he removed from Google Maps.

During the first few weeks of the Obama administration, Cheney has decided that his love of spreading fear and negativity should continue into his retirement. From the get go he has started whining that the President does not believe in torture or holding prisoners of war without regard to the international agreements and treaties we signed.

He famously announced that we are now less safe (perhaps less safe like we were on September 11th, 2001 - While he was Vice President). Now he has teamed up with the bastion of quality news programming, Fox News, to continue to peddle his bitter drivel about how afraid we should all be.

But I have a simple message for Dick. Please shut the fuck up. You are old, useless, and no one gives a fuck what you think. The fact that you praised the Teabaggers so warmly just shows how stupid you are. The fact that you believe that America needs to torture people tells us all we need to know about your humanity. The fact that 9/11 happened on your watch, tells us all we need to know about your knowledge of terrorism.

With this in mind, we don't need to hear your opinion any more. Even George Bush, who is clearly dumb as a brick, recognises the need to shut up and enjoy retirement.

Your reign of terror is over Darth Cheney. Disappear into the shadows and be grateful that Obama lacks the political spite to charge you with war crimes, which is what you deserve.

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