Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Republican Senator Snubs Clinton

A Republican Senator from Texas, John Cornyn, has decided to be a dick about the confirmation of Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

The Senator, pictured here in his traditional Sith Nazi Overlord look, decided that for the good of America he would be a giant douchebag and block her confirmation, because in his mind there are some important questions that remained unanswered.

Well Senator, I have an important question I'd like answered: "Why are you such a fucking tool?"

We all know that President Obama will get his way on this, so this kind of political dochebaggery serves no one except yourself. Although rather than score political points, I think it will just show people exactly what kind of ass you really are. America has some tough issues to solve, and being a dick does not help anyone.


Anonymous said...

Very funny, how dare a US Senator actually do his job and question the wannabe secretary about her traitor husband.

ZCT said...

Yeah, because he is just doing his job. He and he alone is in possession of some special judgment that every other American politician lacks.

ZCT said...

Out of interest though, how is President Clinton a traitor? Perhaps you would compare and contrast his performance to that of George Bush, and see if you can make a valid point.

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