Monday, January 12, 2009

'Joe' The 'Plumber' Becomes Sam The 'Journalist'

The clock ticks, the fifteen minutes of fame would seem to be up, and yet still 'Joe' the 'Plumber' AKA Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher is still in the news and shows no sign of going away.

In his latest attempt to cash in on his unwarranted fame from last years election, the fake plumber has put on a new fake hat; that of a journalist.

Paid by some publicity seeking company he is on a trip to Israel to report back to ordinary Americans what is going on there. Of his mission he said, "I have thousands of questions but I can't think of the right one."

He also claimed to be unbiased, "an expert on media bias," and that he had "no agenda but the truth." (Well the 'truth' and a fist full of dollars).

Ultimately I just wish this moron would go fuck himself. He is a fraud, a fake, and an opportunist. He lied and misrepresented himself during the 2008 election. He is now shamelessly trying to cash in on his 15 minutes of fame, while simultaneously pretending to be just the average American Joe.

Well sorry, but I'd like to think that the average America is not this dumb. There are thousands of people with qualifications in journalism who could go abroad and report the news. But in America, the news channels are interested in ratings and spectacle. They don't give a shit about reporting what is really going on.

This latest debacle is an insult to the intelligence of everyone. This asshole worked in the plumbing industry for ten years and never even bothered to become licensed as a plumber. Now he is exploiting the stupid to masquerade as a journalist, when all he really wants is to cash in.

Please fuck off 'Joe.' Only the stupid are buying the shit you are peddling.

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