Monday, January 05, 2009

Another Year, Another Dick Clark

Tradition dictated that once again Dick Clark was wheeled out of retirement and asked to count down the beginning of a new year. Once again the 79 year old delivered a cringe worthy performance that his relatives and friends should be ashamed of.

I have nothing against Dick Clark, and I understand him to be something of an American icon. But let's be real, the man looks to be at death's door. A stroke in 2004 left him with facial paralysis and the inability to speak properly.

His close friends and relatives need to take the man to one side and tell him it's time to retire once and for all. Because all he is doing now is dying, one year at a time, on TV for all to see. Instead of being remembered for his long and successful career, he will now be remembered as the old man, slurring his words, unable to count properly, and slobbering over his wife on national TV.

I for one am embarrassed for him. I for one could survive new year's eve without seeing (or hearing) this old man try to kiss his wife, or count backwards from 20. Enough is enough.

What ever happened to the showbiz tradition of retiring when you are on top? Leaving the audience begging for more?

Clearly this man no longer has the good judgment to make rational decisions. His showbiz friends just want to fawn around him to get more face time on TV (I'm thinking of you Ryan Toolcrest). But he has three children and a wife. Surely one of them can take him to one side, and spare him from the humiliation of more appearances?

I know it's harsh. But sooner or later you have to face reality. And as sad as it is to admit, I'd rather see Ryan Toolcrest do the show without him from now on.

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