Saturday, November 08, 2008

Thief Says Sorry After Seven Years

A former British drug addict has written a letter of apology to a shop keeper who he wronged in 2001.

The 27 year old Indian shop keeper from Bristol, England (not pictured above; that's just a random Indian shop keeper), said he was stunned when he read the letter which included £100 ($156). Money he says he will be donating to charity.

The letter read as follows:
Dear Sirs,

I am writing this letter to make amends to you for something I have done in the past.

About seven years ago I was walking past your shop late one night when I noticed that someone had broken into it.

I used this opportunity to enter your shop where I stole 400 cigarettes. The money enclosed (£100) is to pay for those cigarettes which I stole from you.

At that time I was heavily using drugs and my life was in a mess, now I no longer use drugs and I strive to lead a decent and honest life.

As part of my ongoing recovery I try to put right all of the wrongs I have done in the past, at least where I can, and this is why I am giving you back the money which I stole from you.

I regret the harm I caused you in the past and I sincerely apologise to you for it.

I was very wrong to do this and I hope that returning the money will make up for this harm, at least in some small way.

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