Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sarah Palin Caused Obama Death Threats

Governor Sarah Palin caused death threats against President-elect Barack Obama: That's the opinion of the United States Secret Service.

In a Newsweek history of the campaign various damaging allegations have surfaced about the campaign, many regarding Sarah Palin.

It has been alleged that her 'palling around with terrorists' and other similar attacks against Obama's patriotism were launched without approval from John McCain. Apparently Palin made these decisions herself, which caused staffers to refer to her as a 'diva' and a 'whack job.'

By mid-October with Palin's continual racist attacks, death threats against Obama had spiked, prompting the first lady to be to ask an aide, "Why would they try to make people hate us?"

Crowds at Palin rallies were whipped into anti-Obama frenzies with copious gasoline poured on the fire by Sarah Palin. Secret Service described the result as a 'near lynch mob mentality.'

John McCain became so concerned about the direction she was taking, he eventually ordered her to tone down the campaign message she was putting out.

And to think this spiteful nasty woman has hinted at a future run at the White House. Maybe she should run for Grand Wizard of the KKK instead.

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