Monday, November 10, 2008

Mormon Cult Annoyed At Backlash

The Mormon cult (AKA Latter Day Saints), are annoyed at the backlash surrounding their support of Proposition 8 in California.

On the run up to the election last week the LDS channeled millions of dollars (some say over $22m) they had scammed off their cult members into running deceptive and divisive commercials designed to encourage Californians to discriminate against homosexual couples.

This week however, angry protesters are calling the cult out on their bullshit suggesting their tax exempt status should be revoked if they are going to dabble so heavily in politics.

The Latter Day Saints made the following statement on their web site:
Once again, we call on those involved in the debate over same-sex marriage to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility towards each other. No one on either side of the question should be vilified, harassed or subject to erroneous information.
To which my question is this: Who are they to enter an emotive debate like this, splash millions of dollars all over it (estimated at more than $22m), and then claim they want mutual respect? Exactly how much mutual respect are they giving gay people when campaigning to take away their rights? How much mutual respect were they giving African Americans when they used to ban black people from joining their cult?

We are supposed to have a separation of church and state, and I'm pretty sure that that concept extends to weird cults like the Mormons as well.

It's bad enough that they scam their followers out of 10% of their wages, but then to spend this money seeking to discriminate against others, and affect state law is outrageous. Especially given the rich history of polygamy and child abuse within their cult.

I too believe that if Mormons want to dabble in politics like this, they should have their tax exempt status revoked. Our economy could use some extra help right now.

If you are a loved one are a part of this cult, I'd like to recommend a great web site that is created by people who managed to escape. They offer advice and support for cult victims and their families.

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