Saturday, November 29, 2008

The iPhone Has You

When it comes to technology I am a sucker for products with a blue LED and anything that seems especially high tech. So while I tried to fight it, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was compelled to purchase an iPhone.

So on Black Friday I went down to the local AT&T store and picked one up, along with my obligatory bargain which turned out to be a Bluetooth headset for just $15 after rebate (50% off and $20 rebate). Amazingly the store was empty when I arrived (at 10am), no stampedes, and no one being trampled to death, which was nice.

The iPhone 3G did not disappoint. I'm not going to bother blogging about all its features and review the pros and cons of it; you can read that anywhere. But I will say this, it is absolutely amazing. I can quite understand why people lined up for hours when it first came out. I wouldn't want to do that personally, or pay the crazy price it was when it (the original iPhone) came out. But for right now, $199 and no waiting is an absolute bargain. I haven't even scratched the surface of the capabilities of the phone, although I've done enough to be hugely impressed.

I do have to gripe about iTunes though. I think Apple are being greedy once again and trying to overly control how people use their devices. It's never easy to just upload a file, or create a ringtone (without some rip off charge for doing so). I had to follow a tedious work around just to upload an MP3 as a ring tone.

Little things like this piss me off. But other than that, I have to take my hat off to Apple for creating the most impressive phone I've ever seen. Despite being a huge fan of the Blackberry as of late, the Curve and Pearl pale into insignificance next to the iPhone. Sure there are some new Blackberry's out now, but I don't think they are competative either in price or specifications to the iPhone.

I am happy to be shackled into one of those outrageous two year contracts with my new phone. Or at least as happy as I can be with the absurdity of forcing consumers into two year contracts with their phone providers.

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