Wednesday, October 08, 2008

President Obama Wins Second Debate

Like many people, I watched the Presidential debate last night. And as the BBC said, it was hardly a fair fight.

Believing that a Town Hall Meeting was his strong suit, McCain was expecting to win in this kind of format. He imagined he would have the advantage. But sadly, simply because the expectation was set, even a draw was a loss for John McCain.

However, what we saw was a decisive win for President Obama. He was clear and articulate as we have come to expect. Whereas John McCain was seen lurching around the stage like an escapee from an old people's home.

When McCain was speaking President Obama sat, or stood in the background looking at ease with the situation. Presidential if you will.

When President Obama was speaking, McCain shuffled around, scribbled notes, sat down, stood up, paced about like he was lost.

When McCain was speaking, he managed to constantly turn his back to the camera and move uncomfortably from one spot to another. Trying desperately to frighten the American people as conservatives seem to like to do.

As an aside, I thought the moderator was an asshole. You can't keep admonishing the speakers for going over the time, when it was clear that the timers were not working properly for the one minute sessions, only the two minute sessions. And even so, you don't talk to presidential candidates in that manner.

In any case the McCain Palin ticket is over. An old man and a bimbo just isn't going to cut it with the American people. I think that the only people who are going to support John McCain are those who always vote Republican, the terminally stupid, and racists. And even then, I don't see the turn out being that high.

Unless President Obama releases a rap album about killing cops, pimpin' and smokin' crack, I think he has this one in the bag. And I can't wait to see him in action.

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