Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Come on Kids: DO IT NOW

Ah celebrities. Gotta love 'em.


Anonymous said...

One of the things I love about America is that you are free and have this freedom because of patriots and soldiers and greater men and women who have died so that you have the inalienable right to NOT vote. One of the things I hate about America is that everyone says you have to. I hate pretentious actors trying to sell their own brand of politics and agendas. If I didn't already hate Toby Maguire already, this would have done it. Now I would smack him 3 times instead of once if I met him.

ZCT said...

Sure, but on the flip side as a nation our voter turn out is about as low as it gets in the developed world.

In fact on this comparison table we average a voter turn out of 54%, versus 95% for Australia or 76% for Canada, France and the UK.

There are a lot of uninformed poorly educated young people in America and we should encourage them just a little bit to think about voting (and more importantly figuring out why to vote a certain way).

But I also see another side, which is that most of these celebrities are trying to get young people to vote because so many of them are likely to vote Democrat. So it may be a political thing too.

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