Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah Palin - Hiding From Justice

If anyone was in any doubt that McCain is the next George Bush, this story from the Associated Press tells you all you need to know.

In what seems to have become standard modus operandi for GOP tactics we have watched one of the most divisive campaigns in history. One smear after another. Lies, boasts, and a distinct lack of truthiness. A campaign that Karl Rove has stated is, "one step too far."

The latest move involves protecting the public from finding out facts about Sarah Palin by sending a 'truth squad' to manage what information is discovered by the news media. The team includes politicians and lawyers who seemingly are willing to do anything to hide the facts that might upset the public were they to find out.

One of their current missions is to stall the 'troopergate' investigation until after the election.

Basically, the allegations are that while governor, Sarah Palin abused her powers to try and get her ex-brother in law removed from his job as State Trooper. She ended up firing the guy who refused to fire her ex-brother in law.

Originally Palin was all set to cooperate with the investigation. But now a team of Republican lawyers are deliberately stalling the investigation until after the election. Palin herself has chosen to flip flip on the issue (to put it in Republican terms). While she was once going to cooperate, it seems she is now 'too busy' to answer for her alleged crimes.

It really is sad and scary that some old guy can pluck a random person out of her life as a hockey mom, make her a vice presidential candidate, and suddenly the law no longer seems to apply.

At the end of the day, if this woman is truly the best candidate for the job, why is so much effort being made to suppress the truth? How can a woman with so little political knowledge and experience have so many skeletons in her closet? How can a man who claims to have what it takes to turn this country around, be so politically inept that he would pick this woman for VP?


Rich Wagner said...

Throwing aside why the manger was fired, and that is up for debate apparently. You wouldn't know it from the one sided left. Why wasn't the trooper fired? He admitted to tasering his 10 year old step son. Why does NO ONE mention that? It really doesn't matter who he was or what the relation in my estimation. If there were Tennessee State Troopers out there zapping kids I surely wouldn't want him on the job.

As for the "truth squad", what about the Obama goons running the investigation? It goes both ways man.

ZCT said...

I don't doubt that this trooper is a bit of dick.

The son tasering thing was a bit of stupidity when his 11 year old son wanted to try a little jolt to see what it was like. The trooper had just come back from taser training and let him have a short spark of it. Now while you or I might consider this pretty dumb, it isn't really how you made it sound.

When you say that a man tasered his 10 year old stepson, it conjurers images of neglect, domestic abuse, and violence. Whereas in reality it was just a bit of stupidity that the kid participated in.

In the next 24 hours hundreds of kids up an down the country will be beaten with a belt. Dozens more will be legally beaten with a paddle in high school.

So again, while this was stupid, it was not abusive in my opinion. If we start firing people for making parental mistakes, there would be a lot of unemployed people out there. Just ask my therapist wife.

So I guess my question is how often does a state governor get personally involved in hiring a private investigator to monitor a trooper? How often does a governor put pressure on someone to fire a state trooper? And isn't it a bit of a coincidence that her sister had just had an acrimonious divorce with the guy?

Finally, it seems a little odd that you claim the left is 'one sided' given the kind of campaign that McCain has been running. Hardly fair and balanced, unless you subscribe to the concept that Fox News is fair and balanced.

Rich Wagner said...

I had this long reply typed up. I think it's just easier to say you win. So, you win.

ZCT said...

I'd have rather seen the long reply. :(

Rich Wagner said...

He he he... I'm sure you would. In the end, it just isn't worth the back and forth amongst friends.

Man, I am missing poker!!! Hopefully will be able to get out next week though...

ZCT said...

"Back and Forth" makes the world go around and encourages people to think.

You know you are always welcome to post anything you like on my blog, no matter how wrong you may be ;)

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