Monday, February 06, 2006

Thank You Mr. Bush

Dear George Bush,

I'd just like to thank you for your new Deficit Reduction Act. It sounds like a great way to silence those whinning liberals who lack your vision. Once you reduce the deficit, you'll be leaving those Michael Moore loving idiots with nothing left to whine about.

I was particularly impressed with how you manage to save all that money by cutting government involvement in over 140 unnecessary government programs that help the poor. It's about time the poor and elderly got off their lazy asses and earned some money. Let's face it if you or I can make money, anyone can right?

Personally, I am looking forward to the cuts in Medicare and Medicaid that account for around half the savings this act will provide. Maybe you've found a way of taking care of those baby boomers after all! I would respectfully suggest that you infact scrap these unnecessary programs. Let's face it if someone cannot afford their own health care costs they are nothing more than a useless burden on society, and the sooner they die the better.

I am also pleased to see so much money being sent to our friends in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's just great. I'd hate for them to think ill of us.

If only I could vote, and if only you were able to run again I would be so excited about 2008 when I would have the chance to vote you in for a third term. Your special kind of brilliant planning is what America has lacked for so many years.

Thank you Mr. President,

Your loyal servant.

PS I would hate to question your incredible leadership and business savvy, but why is it you have gone to all that trouble to save over the next five years only to give $60bn - $95bn back in tax cuts for the wealthy? Won't that mean we have more of a deficit not less? Forgive me, I don't have your head for figures. Maybe you can have one of your minions explain it to me. Thank you sir.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should tax the hell out of internet gambling! Get over it, nothing you say will ever change the way the poor suck off the government, or us. If people work hard and make their own money. The rich pay more tax's in one year than you will ever pay in your entire life. These people have worked hard, taken chance's, and they have prevailed. Our president has done more in eight years for this great nation than anyone has in a long time. The more people with views such as this is what seperate's americans. If you want to converse about problems come to the table with a solution, or you are just another problem. I do enjoy reading your comments though, it makes me understand why I love this great nation.

Anonymous said...

Tax cuts for the rich do help the economy, it's a fact. We have had 20 straight quarters of economic growth, that is 5 straight years. Those are just the facts, although I doubt that you will ever hear them be reported about in the media!

ZCT said...

Try telling that to the 37 million Americans that live in poverty. See how they feel about it.

There is no proof that the same economic growth would not have been seen if the poorest 10% of the population had received a tax cut at the expense of the rich.

When the rich elite get a tax cut, they just hoard that money away somewhere. It makes little to no difference to their lives because they are already filthy rich.

When the poor get a tax cut, they go out and spend it, thus stimulating the economy. So your argument is really pretty weak.

Anonymous said...

The first guy who commented has it exactly right. Why should people, who in many cases, work hard for what they have be punished by having to support the poor, who in many cases, refuse to apply themselves and contine to look for handouts. If a crutch is there, people are going to use it. Why don't we focus more on these people refusing to educating themselves? Don't feed me the typical bleeding heart liberal bs about how they can't afford education and they are being held down because that is crap! There are enough grants and loans out there for anyone with determination to get an education. Stop blaming the system, some things in life take hard work which many people refuse to do. The democratic party is a complete joke. No one in this party has an answer for anything, just a complaint.

ZCT said...

“Why should people, who in many cases, work hard for what they have be punished by having to support the poor…”

- Do you really believe that the poor don’t work hard? People like you always seem to assume that all poor people are lazy. Why don’t you Google the term ‘working poor’ and see what you come up with. There are people out there who make minimum wage or even a few dollars more than that, who have no health benefits and have to struggle to make rent. They may work fifty or sixty hours a week and take no more than a week or two vacation a year, but they are still poor. People like you love to equate poor to lazy, but it is simply not always the case.

“…who in many cases, refuse to apply themselves and contine to look for handouts. If a crutch is there, people are going to use it.”

- There will always be lazy people, but it is misnomer to assume that all poor people are lazy losers just looking for handouts. But to argue that providing a safety net for poor people creates more lazy people is just stupid. It’s like arguing that we should not require new vehicles to have seatbelts, since it just promotes careless driving.

“Why don't we focus more on these people refusing to educating themselves?”

- ‘…refusing to educating themselves...’ Seems like you got a real quality educatin’ yourself. But joking about your poor grammar aside, these kinds of comments are indicative of a person unaware of concepts just as gender or racial privilege. To believe that there is a world class education out there just waiting to be collected by anyone that wants it is really quite naive. There are serious issues with education in America, and one of the main issues is the massive inequity between what is available to the rich and the poor.

I don’t think there is a long line of people in America who are deliberately denying themselves a quality education, as you seem to imply.

“Don't feed me the typical bleeding heart liberal bs about how they can't afford education and they are being held down because that is crap! There are enough grants and loans out there for anyone with determination to get an education.”

- It’s quite easy to sit in a stable middle class home with your cell phone, Internet connection, computer, and allowance, and see how this is all so easy. But if you grow up on the wrong side of the tracks, living in poverty, surrounded by crime and bad influence, it is not as easy as you are implying. Even if you yourself made it from a difficult situation, it doesn’t mean that everyone can.

“Stop blaming the system, some things in life take hard work which many people refuse to do.”

- Stop trying to pretend that the system is perfect. The only way to improve is to accept the need to improve. Deciding that the system is already perfect is a sure fire way to stagnation, and never growing or improving. It is always foolish to believe that you can never improve.

“The democratic party is a complete joke. No one in this party has an answer for anything, just a complaint.”

- I am not a Democrat per se, but I’ll say this, I was a lot more impressed with what Clinton did, than what Bush has done. Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents this country has ever seen.

But if you are one of the handful of Americans who still think this guy is doing a good job, why don’t you post back on here and tell me what five things Bush has achieved that I should be impressed with.

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