Sunday, January 08, 2006

Stupid Politician Alert!

You know how annoying it is when a drunk driver slams into a pedestrian or another motorist and kills them? Invariably the drunk bastard who did it escapes unharmed and some innocent family is devastated. Well thankfully that is all about to change.

Genius and Republican Representative Bill Alter decided to brain storm this problem of drink driving and after speaking with a fifth grader came up with a brilliant idea: Ban all stores from selling beer at any temperature below 60F.

Yes, and I'm not making this up, a 10 year old child came up with this idea and Bill Alter has drafted a bill to make it illegal for stores in his home state of Missouri to sell cold beer. So we now just have to keep our fingers crossed that drunk drivers never find out about bars, refrigerators, or drinks that don't need to be chilled such as Cointreau or red wine.

There seems to be some kind of bubble that develops around politicians, after they have held office for a little while they become utterly detached from reality and start living in a parallel universe where stupid ideas like this would actually work.

Clearly I am no politician and obviously cannot hope to compete with the astonishing acumen of this guy, but maybe he should consider a small tax on alcohol to help fund better public transportation and alcohol education and rehabilitation programs. Drinking and driving is a terrible thing but this law proposal will do nothing to help the situation. But if people could easily get low cost convenient transportation to bars and clubs, there would be far less need to drink and drive. But what the hell do I know, I don't even brainstorm my ideas with children.

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