Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving is here, and it's time to slaughter some animals to celebrate the first American settlers slaughtering native Americans. I'm actually really looking forward to the food this year, having purchased it at Earth Fare.

I'm not easily impressed with a supermarket, but Earth Fare was just unbelievable. The staff were nice, the store looked incredible, the food is not only healthy but exquisite, and no more expensive than over-priced Kroger, with their bullshit 'special offers.' (Yes we screwed you over on that product last week so we can offer it at 40% off this week.)

Earth Fare pledge that their food contains none of the following:
  • Artificial preservatives
  • Artificial flavors and colors
  • Artificial sweeteners including sucralose and high fructose corn syrup
  • Artificial growth stimulants in dairy, meats and poultry like antibiotics and synthetic hormones
  • Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils
  • Bleached and bromated flours
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Irradiation
  • Synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides
  • Genetically modified organisms
They even sell Heinz Baked Beans (quite why it's so hard to get beans in America that have not been loaded down with brown sugar, lard, chopped up meat, or other unhealthy crap, I have no idea).

With the lack of regulation in American food, and the horrible additives that are still legal here, it is very refreshing to find a grocery store that caters to healthy eating.

But this post is not designed to brag about my new favorite supermarket, it was about the article I read on Yahoo!. It was talking about the President's pardon of the turkey which I had read about before, but what I don't recall reading about in previous years was how the pardoned turkey and a back up turkey are flown first class from the White House to Disneyland where they get to live out the remainder of their days in a petting zoo.

I just thought it was funny that they put these birds in first class for the trip. I'm sure they will appreciate the wider leather seats.

1 comment:

Dr. Tracey Salisbury said...

Lucky dog. Your have a choice. It's over-priced Kroger or U.S. Economy destroying Walmart. I envy the Earth Fare option. Hope you had a grand holiday.

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